A While Elephant

The Computers Law, after an incubation period of twelve years, finally hatched -- as a white elephant. That was in 1995; commercial Internet had already made its debut in Israel, but Israeli legislation reflected an archaic vision of computers existing in splendid isolation. Astounding as it may seem, the legislators failed to grasp the most essential property of the computer, ...

The Liability of a Certification Authority Pursuant To the Israeli Electronic Signature Law

On 26th March 2001 the Knesset approved the Electronic Signature Law, 5761-2001 on second and third reading. The Law regulates the evidential status of electronic signatures, lays down the effect of electronic certificates (which confirm that a person has a particular signature verification device - the on-line equivalent of an identity document) and provides how a certification authority, which issues ...

Is An Internet Site A Newspaper?

According to the Tel Aviv Magistrates Court, the answer to the above question is yes. As regards the liability of a publisher pursuant to section 11 of the Defamation Law, 5725-1965, an Internet site is a newspaper, despite the fact that according to that section a newspaper means printed matter reproduced on a printing press (CC 145/00, Eliahu Weissman v. ...

The Relationship Between Privacy And Software Licences

An Israeli software company that has developed a popular program is currently contending with a complex public relations crisis. The software developed by it is distributed free of charge and in order to produce income the company displays advertising to the program's users. The product has become very successful and the number of users is estimated at many milion around ...

Judge Hashin: Internet Surveys Are Not Reliable

The most recent elections for Prime Minister gave The Chairman of the Elections Committee, Supreme Court Judge Mishal Hashin, more than one opportunity to express his views about the Internet. His central decision, on the connection between the freedom of expression and the Internet, was reviewed at length in this column about two weeks ago. It now transpires that the ...

Global Business? Global Liability!

The Internet enables Israeli companies to carry on world-wide business. From computers in Israel they can offer their services to customers anywhere in the world. However, whilst entrepreneurs are captivated by the unlimited opportunities that the Internet is opening up to them, they tend to forget that world-wide business also has a legal price. An Israeli company's site that operates ...

The Registration Of Another's Trade Mark As A Domain Name - Prevention Of Access To Business

Section 3 of the Commercial Wrongs Law, 5759-1999 provides: "No person who carries on business shall unfairly prevent or impede access by customers, employees or agents to the business, property or service of another person who carries on business". A recent judgment of the District Court of Tel Aviv (per His Honour Judge Yehuda Zafet) has applied the section to ...

The Battle for Email

The State Attorney, Edna Arbel, recently (May 2000) laid down policy that email that is not in the possession of an Internet service provider but is likely to pass through its computers in the future, can only be seized, kept and copied after an appropriate order has been obtained by virtue of the Secret Monitoring Law, 5739-1979. Arbel thereby accepted ...