Deceitful Chain Letter: Tnuva Recycles Expired Milk

A chain email letter that has been circulating in Israel in the past few days claims that Tnuva, the country's leading dairy producer, "has invented a new method to recycle milk", and that it "pasteurizes milk which passed its expiration date" and returns it to the retailers. Inter alia, the message claims that "if the milk has been pasteurized ...

University leaked excutives e-mail addreses

Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Management's Executive Education School (LAHAV) inadvertently leaked hundred's of e-mail addresses of leading executives in Israel's private and public sectors. The addresses were leaked in an e-mail message of the 20th of June that included an invitation to an event organized at LAHAV. Apparently the message was addressed CC rather than BCC, thus ...

New Ethical Code Generator for Hebrew Blogs

Effi Fush, an Israeli law student and blogger, promised in early April to publish a first version of an ethical code for Hebrew bloggers. On early June, instead of a paper he launched a personalized ethical code generator, an online application designed to generate a personalized ethical code for individual bloggers.

"After I failed to jumpstart a public debate ...

Israeli National Lottery accusses government of delaying online lottery

The Israeli National Lottery (Mifal Hapais) accused the Ministry of Finance of delaying Internet lottery. The Pais chairman, Mr. Shimon Katzenelson, was quoted today on TheMarker as saying that it has been waiting for MOFs permit to conduct online lottery for over two years now. The Israeli Penal Code, 1977, prohibits betting, wagering and gambling at large, however ...

Army officer accused of accessing his commander's email

The prosecution of Israel's Defense Forces (IDF) will indict a junior officer for illegally accessing his commander's computer files and e-mail correspondence. Allegedly, the junior officer accessed his commander's computer files and for several months read and deleted some of his e-mails, read his personal journal and other classified information "that could aid the enemy to locate targets and make ...

New Criterion for Disclosure of Internet Users' Identity

In 850/06 Rami Mor v. Yedioth Ahronot et al (22.4.2007), Judge Yitzhak Amit of the Haifa District Court set a new criterion for when the court should order an ISP to disclose the identity of an internet user who published libelous statements. According to his ruling, an anonymous user's identity is revealed when the user's online submissions amount to a ...