Employer's right to monitor employees' email appealed

TheMarker.com recently reported  [Hebrew] a request for an appeal to the Tel Aviv Regional Labor Tribunal's decision that allows employers to read and monitor employees' email messages. The appeal was filed with the National Labor Court in Jerusalem. Last July, Judge Sigal Davidov-Motola established that in order to read employee's email messages, the employer must fulfill the provisions of the ...

Broadband VOD Bill approved by Israeli parliament

The Knesset (Israeli parliament) approved yesterday Amendment 37 to The 1982 Communications Law which will allow broadcasters and private companies to provide Video On Demand (VOD) services through broadband infrastructure. The amendment will allow YES digital satellite television to compete with HOT, the Israeli cable television provider which at present enjoys exclusivity in the VOD services market in Israel. According ...

e-voting in Israel

Is the era of casting "blank votes" nearly over? nrg's internet website reports [Hebrew] that the Ministry of Interior has authorized to conduct a trial "e-voting" in Israel. According to the report, the Minister of Interior authorized for a team in his office to conduct an e-voting pilot for. The pilot will take place in November, during the local council's ...

Israel's Ministry of Communications will hold Naked DSL hearing soon

Naked DSL (also known as Stand-Alone, Unbundled Stream Service Dry Loop, DSL, etc.) is a general term for the provision of broadband services, based on DSL technology, without the need to purchase telephony services (PSTN) for the same copper line. In Israel, this would mean without purchasing PSTN services from BEZEQ, the former state run monopoly and ...

A motion for class action against leading auction websites

A motion for class action was filed with the Tel-Aviv District Court against the leading auction websites in Israel: NanaShops, Olsale, P-1000, WallasShops and Get-it. The estimated sum of the motion (if granted) is tens of millions NIS. The plaintiff's claim that these websites deceived auction participants, by employing fictitious participants in order to raise prices. If it wasn't for ...

A bill approved in government: ISPs obliged to offer content filtering

Israeli ISPs will be obligated to offer their customers content filtering services in order to block access to websites that provide gambling, violent or pornographic content. Such content is deemed inappropriate for minors as long as it does not have any artistic, educational, scientific or other redeeming merit. This is stated in a bill approved today by the Israeli's government ...