European Court Prohibits Authorities From Ordering Companies to Decrypt User Content

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held that Russian intelligence and enforcement agencies may not compel Telegram, the popular messaging service, to decrypt user data or hand over decryption keys. The court found that such an order by the Russian internal intelligence agency (FSB) is in direct violation of Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of ...

Guidelines for Use of Facial Recognition by Ontario Police

Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) introduced comprehensive guidelines for the ethical and lawful application of biometric facial recognition technologies and the management of mugshot databases by police forces. This initiative aims to bridge the existing regulatory gap highlighted by the ongoing debate surrounding the collection of biometric information by law enforcement agencies across Canada. Canada lacks an explicit legal ...

California Court Says the Enforcement of the CPRA Regulations Must Begin

A California Court of Appeals has vacated the lower court’s injunction from last year which suspended the enforcement of the CPRA regulations until March 29, 2024. The Court of Appeals accepted the California Privacy Protection Agency’s arguments that no legal basis exists to suspend the enforcement of the regulations.

Last year’s injunction was issued by the lower court, which agreed ...

UK Updates Artificial Intelligence Principles

The UK government has published its response to public comments provided to the initial draft of the March 2023 Artificial Intelligence Policy Report. The draft presented five core principles for artificial intelligence: safety, security, transparency, fairness, and accountability. The draft policy aimed to reduce regulatory uncertainties regarding artificial intelligence.

The UK government’s response emphasizes its commitment to developing regulation in ...

Court Dismisses Data Scraping Lawsuit Against Bright Data

A federal court in San Francisco, California, has held that harvesting publicly available data from Facebook and Instagram, when performed by a user not logged-in to the platform, does not violate the Facebook and Instagram terms of use. The court’s summary judgment dismissed the breach of contract claims filed by Facebook and Instagram against Bright Data, an Israeli company that ...

FCC Takes Steps to Protect Consumers from AI-generated Scams

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced the unanimous adoption of a declaratory ruling that calls made using AI-generated voice are considered “artificial” under the U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

The decision, which has already taken effect, declares the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for generating voice, primarily utilized for fraudulent automated advertisements targeting consumers, to be ...

Meta and Google Promote Mandatory Markup on Images Created by AI

Google has announced its collaboration with leading companies such as Adobe, BBC, Microsoft, and Sony to develop markings on digital content. The marks will indicate when and how a photo, video, audio clip, or other files were produced or altered, including those created or altered by artificial intelligence (AI).

Google stated that it will explore integrating digital certification into its ...

New Jersey Is the Latest State in the U.S. to Adopt a Privacy Law

The Governor of New Jersey recently signed into law the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, set to take effect in January 2025. New Jersey now becomes the fourteenth state in the U.S. to enact a state privacy law, specifically targeting the protection of individuals’ privacy in personal capacities (to the exclusion of individual’s roles as employees or representatives of a business). ...