OpenAI Restricts the Use of its Products in the Election; New Class Action Against OpenAI

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT and DALL-E, has implemented a new election policy imposing restrictions on the use of its products for political purposes ahead of the 2024 U.S. election. This decision aims to prevent the misuse of OpenAI’s tools for political manipulation, including the spread of disinformation, fake news, and misleading images or videos that could adversely influence voters. ...

California Court Says Open Source Software Users Could Enforce the License

A decision by the Superior Court in California indicates that those who receive software subject to the GPL open-source license may be able to exercise their rights under the license as third-party beneficiaries of the contract, separately from the rights of the copyright owners. The decision was delivered in a lawsuit filed by the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC), a non-profit ...

Australian Government Addresses the Opportunities and Challenges of AI Technology

The Australian government has released its interim response to the consultation on safe and responsible artificial intelligence (AI), conducted in 2023. In this response, the Australian government indicates its commitment to mitigating the risks associated with AI technology. Recognizing AI as a crucial tool for enhancing Australia’s welfare and economic growth, the government is focused on harnessing its advantages while ...

Israeli Parliament Affirms Use of Vehicle Tracking System by Police

The Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) has enacted Amendment No. 40 to the Police Ordinance, affirming the Police’s use of a vehicle tracking system named “Ein Hanetz”. This amendment, commonly referred to as the “Tracking Law,” is specifically designed to regulate the use of a camera-based system that recognizes vehicle identification plates and enables the tracking of individual’s movements on roads. ...

U.S. Chief Justice Embraces AI Technology in the Judiciary

The Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts, published the Judiciary’s views on AI and its impacts, in the 2023 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary. Chief Justice Roberts emphasized AI’s significant role in enhancing access to legal services for those unable to afford traditional representation. The Chief Justice pointed out AI’s potential assistance in legal procedures like bankruptcy ...

EU Adeuqacy renews for Israel and 10 more countries

Today, the European Commission decided to renew its decision regarding the adequacy of Israel’s data protection regime, as offering a level of data protection essentially equivalent to the laws in the European Union. This continued recognition allows the free flow of personal data from the EU to Israel. This decision has an immediate impact on every company organization, institution, and ...

EU Renews Israel’s Data Protection Adequacy Recognition

The European Commission has officially decided to renew its recognition of Israel’s adequacy status, confirming that Israel’s data protection and privacy regime is essentially equivalent to the European Union’s standards for personal data protection. This adequacy decision is a prerequisite for the seamless transfer of personal data from the EU to Israel.

Originally planned for 2020, the EU Commission’s decision ...

FTC Proposes Significant Updates to COPPA Rule

The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is proposing changes to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA Rule). If adopted, these changes would amount to a significant overhaul in the regulation of how children’s personal information is used and disclosed online.

The original COPPA Rule, effective in 2000, requires that certain online services and websites obtaining personal information from ...