Distribution of IL citizens' data resulted in penalty

ILITA - The Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority imposed a fine of 258,000 NIS (approximately US $68,000) on a company that distributed ulawful copies of the Israeli Citizens' Database.

M.N.R. Information Systems Ltd, a company that provides services to debt collection agencies, has developed a computer software that included information about numerous individuals. The unlawful copeis of the registry ...

Israel: a new national biometric database threatens privacy

A draft bill on biometric identification (Hebrew PDF) has recently been introduced by the Israeli Home Office. The Israeli government is looking to regulate the legal status of biometric national IDs, travel documents and passports, but its proposal goes one step further than legislation adopted in the more than 40 countries that have already introduced biometric passports, in ...

Israeli Police unveils tattoos database

A new database has joined the DNA database, finger prints and identification photos, which serves the forensic department in the Israeli police - tattoos database. The database holds hundreds of tattoos which can characterize different criminal organizations and groups. It is intended to facilitate the identification of criminals and their affiliations. Seniors at the Israeli police hope to determine the ...

Knesset endorse self regulation of talkbacks

Leading Israeli web portals agreed to implement self regulation rules, according to which they will examine users' talkbacks and block those which are clearly and obviously illegal. by doing so, these portals hope to avoid pending legislation that holds large websites accountable for users' content. Neverhteless, the portals told the Knesset today that their consent is subject to immunity from ...

Google to Israel: adopt a Notice & Notice system

Israel should follow Canada and adopt a Notice & Notice system, says William F. Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel at Google, Inc. Mr. Patry appeared yesterday before the Science Committee of the Knesset, preparing the E-Commerce Bill. According to Mr. Patry, most Cease and Desist letters Google companies get, do not deal with copyright infringement but rather with commercial competition ...

Eichmann's full trial protocols are available online

After more than 40 years, the Israel Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has uploaded the full court protocols of Adolf Eichmann's trial to its website. Eichmann was the SS general in charge of executing and facilitating the Nazi regime plan to exterminate all of the Jewish people in Europe. A total of six volumes were published: Three volumes contain the complete ...

Databases registrar revokes a database registration

Advocate Yoram Hacohen, the Head of the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority (ILITA) and the Databases Registrar (the Israeli privacy and data protection agency), has ordered the registration revocation of two sensitive databases. The decision, a first of its kind in Israel, followed an investigation led by ILITA of a Pre-employment testing and evaluation company's privacy practices. The investigation ...

Knesset approves Anti Spam Law

The Knesset approved today an amendment to the Israeli Communication Law that prohibits various sorts of spam: email, fax messages, short text messages (such as cellular SMS) and automatic dialing systems - all should be opted in, if they intend to induce the recipient to spend money.

The strict demand requirement for prior consent is mitigated by two exemptions. An ...