Lessons from the Israeli Electronic Signature Law

10 years after the enactment of the Israeli Electronic Signature Law, electronic signatures are poorly adopted in Israeli e-commerce. The Law clearly failed to meet its expectations. Major projects include only two prominent ones by the government –
  • Reports made by public companies to the Israeli Securities Authority and the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange must be signed digitally. This required the ...

Red Hat Fails to Protect Fedora Logo

The Tel-Aviv District Court (Judge Shoshana Almagor) rejected a Red Hat lawsuit filed to protect its “Fendora Hat logo” registered trademark {D.C. 3768-12-10 .Red Hat Inc. v. Start Commercial Ltd. et. al}. This ruling marks a first attempt by the world renowned Linux company to defend its trademark rights in an Israeli court. The Court found, inter alia, that Red ...

Google found liable for AdWords privacy invasion

For the first time an Israeli court has found Google liable for invasion of privacy, because the company’s AdWords service allowed a person's name to be used as a keyword without consent.
During 2007, a plastic surgery services company called: Proportzia PMC used Google's AdWords service to promote its services through sponsored links on Google search result pages. Among ...

Israeli Police receive further access to genetic data

The Israeli Parliament, the "Knesset", has voted in favor of  a third amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law (enforcement rights - body search and seizure of identifying information) (3rd amendment) - 2011 (The law - in Hebrew). The new law broadens the authorities of the Israeli Police and enables them to use genetic information retrieved from suspects who have previously been ...

Apple and Google pressured to add privacy policies

Over the last few months there has been a lot of pressure on International companies like Google and Apple to improve their privacy policies and protection of their customer's private information. Although privacy issues have been on congress's table for a while now, they have recently been brought back into the spotlights due to numerous privacy violations, including the hacking ...

Israel is preparing to issue biometric IDs

New regulations and orders introduced by the Ministers Committee for Biometric Applications set the ground for a two years biometric IDs issuance trial period. The Ministry of Home Affairs is making final preparations to start issuing the IDs that will contain encoded fingerprints and facial image, and will be stored in a national database. A campaign led by privacy activists ...

Google street view approved in Israel

Following a long governmental discussion during the past few months, and after considering privacy and security concerns, the justice ministry, through the Law Technology and Information Authority (ILITA), released its conditional permit for Google to operate Street View in Israel.

Google's well known Street View service allows Google Maps users to view panoramic photographs of streets and other public spaces, ...

ISPs to inform clients of hazardous websites

The Israeli Knesset approved the 49th amendment to the Communications Act (Bezeq and Broadcasting) (link to the amendment - in Hebrew). According to the amendment, which was proposed by parliament member Alex Miller, Internet service providers (ISPs) will be required to offer their clientele website screening services free of charge and to notify them about "offensive websites" which include ...