Israeli authorities warn of risks in using Bitcoin

Following the lead of European banking regulators, as well as other countries, the authorities in Israel, led by the Bank of Israel (Israel's central bank), published a “Public notice regarding the potential risks inherent in distributed virtual currencies (e.g. Bitcoin)” (available here, in Hebrew). According to the announcement, the authorities, including the Israel Tax Authority, the Israel Securities Authority, ...

Israel: Two New Bills Proposed to Amend the Anti-Spam Act

Two new private (rather than government-introduced) bills were filed with the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) this week, in hopes of expanding and updating the application of the "Anti-Spam Act" (officially known as Article 30A of the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasts), 5742-1982). The first bill (titled: Communications Bill (Telecommunications and Broadcasts) (Amendment - Spam), 5774-2014 - available in Hebrew, here) ...

Committee to review regulating TV content delivered over the Internet in Israel

The Israeli Minister of Communications, Mr. Gilad Erdan, announced the establishment of a public commission to examine the future regulation of commercial television broadcasts via broadband mobile and Internet (such broadcasts made possible by advanced infrastructures like Fiberoptic cables To The subscriber’s Home - FTTH). The committee will examine the desired regulatory adjustments, including the desired supervisory model, and related ...

Israeli Internet providers commit to minimum bitrates

The Israeli Ministry of Communications recently amended the operating licenses of two major Israeli telecom companies (Bezeq and HOT), regarding the provision of their broadband Internet service. Under the amended licenses, the companies are required from now on to include, in any publication or advertisement of the service, the guaranteed minimum bitrate, for both uploads and downloads. The step taken ...

Distributing intimate photos - now a sexual harassment crime in Israel

According to a new law recently enacted by the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament), distributing sexual images of a person, either coercively or without his or her knowledge, will be considered sexual harassment, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. The perpetrator will be deemed a sexual offender and the victim will be recognized as a sexual harassment victim. The ...

Israeli Judges will be allowed to use Facebook, under conditions

After a year and half of deliberations, the internal committee established by the Israeli Judiciary recently submitted its report regarding recommendations and guidelines for judges’ use of social networks. The committee’s report includes a very long list of recommendations that will ultimately allow judges to use Facebook, subject to numerous restrictions designed to ensure the purity of the judicial process, ...

Palestinian hackers suspected of cleverly attacking computers in Israel

For several days this month, hackers were able to take control over a computer within the Israeli Civil Administration, by sending an email message made to appear as though sent by the Israeli Security Agency. The hack was committed in conjunction with the hacking of 14 additional computers, of companies that provide services to the Israeli security establishment. ...

Security breaches in handling of Israeli biometric ID cards

The mechanism that serves to report the loss or theft of an Israeli biometric identification card suffers from significant security faults, reports Ha’aretz (in Hebrew, by Ido Keinan and Johnny Zilber). According to the regulations and procedures of the Israeli Population, Immigration and Border Authority (PIBA) at the Ministry of the Interior, in issuing biometric identity cards, citizens are asked ...