Dramatic Overhaul of Israeli Data Security Regulations

Last week, the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) promulgated the Protection of Privacy Regulations (Data Security), 5777-2017 (the “Regulations”). This marks the consummation of a legislative process that began in 2010 with the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority (ILITA, the Israeli privacy regulator), when the first draft of the Regulations was published for public comment.

The Regulations introduce a far ...

Court of Justice of the EU Restricts the "Right to be Forgotten"

In a landmark decision, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that “the right to be forgotten” does not automatically apply to content published on an official public registry. The decision was given on a claim asserted by an Italian citizen against the Lecce Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Italy. The Chamber rejected his request to ...

Israeli Court Holds License Is Required to Operate on Online Binary Options Trading Platform

In a landmark ruling earlier this month interpreting the application of the Israeli Securities Law to online binary options trading platforms, the Financial Department of the District court in Tel-Aviv held that an online binary options trading platform is required to obtain a license to operate as an exchange, from the Israeli Securities Authority. This landmark decision affects all companies ...

Israel Anti Trust Authority Issues Draft Opinion on Sharing Cyber Threat Information

The Israeli Antitrust Authority (IAA) published for public comment a draft opinion on the joint effort and exchange of information by institutions, organizations and companies for the purpose of defending against cyber threats. The need for this type of opinion was amplified in light of the increase in cyber-attacks.

Initiating and allowing cooperation between competing companies is essential in order ...

Israeli Parliament Approves Landmark Biometric Database law

The Knesset (the Israeli Parliament), recently completed the enactment of the controversial biometric database law. The law, originally enacted in 2009, establishes a national database containing biometric data of all Israeli citizens. Its declared purpose is combating large-scale loss and theft of government-issued ID cards and passports used by criminals and terrorists. The original law established an initial pilot period ...

Israeli National Labor Court Rules that Employers May Not Force Workers to Use Biometric Time Clocks

In a landmark decision delivered yesterday (March 15, 2017), the Israeli National Court of Labor ruled that employers may not compel workers to use biometric time clocks at the workplace. The National Labor Court's holding overturned the regional labor court’s decision from 2014, on a collective labor dispute against the Qalansuwa municipality. The municipality had sought to compel its employees ...

Israeli Ministry of Transportation May Prosecute Uber Executives

The Israeli Ministry of Transportation is considering prosecuting Uber Israel's executives and has recently summoned Uber Israel's CEO for investigation.

The threat of criminal prosecution for Uber Israel arises from the Uber Night service offered in Israel. The service, which has been running in a pilot phase in Israel for a number of months, enables private car owners registered with ...

UK Privacy Regulator Publishes Draft Guidelines on 'consent' under the GDPR

The UK Information Commissioner (the British privacy regulator) has published a draft of proposed guidance on the notion of ‘consent’ under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), set to take effect in May 2018. The draft guidance emphasizes that the GDPR establishes an elevated standard for consent. It requires offering individuals genuine choice and control over the collection and processing ...