The EU and Japan agree on reciprocal adequacy for data transfers

The EU and Japan have agreed to recognize each other's data protection systems as 'equivalent', allowing the transfer of personal information between the EU countries and Japan. The agreement was announced during an economic summit in Tokyo. The agreement is due to enter into effect at the end of the year, after the European Data Protection Board (the pan-EU privacy ...

Memorandum of Israeli Cyber Law Published Today, with Far-Reaching Powers

Today, the Israeli Prime Minister's office  published a memorandum of the proposed Cyber Defense and National Cyber Directorate Law, 2018. The memorandum’s proposed law is aimed at regulating the purpose, functions and powers of the Cyber Directorate in dealing with cyber threats against the State of Israel.

It includes far-reaching and unprecedented measures that affect every organization in the Israeli economy. It ...

Israeli Privacy regulator issues opinion on surveillance cameras in kindergartens

Following incidents of child abuse in kindergartens and calls to install security cameras in order to ensure the safety of infants and toddlers, the Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) has published an opinion on surveillance cameras used in kindergartens.

According to PPA’s opinion, before deciding to install surveillance cameras, a kindergarten must obtain legal counsel on whether the installation is ...

Seminar: Trade Secrets & Data Privacy: Laws in the United States Protecting Confidential Information & Sensitive Data

Technology companies are increasingly relying on trade secrets to maintain their edge in an ever-increasing competitive marketplace, while also harnessing consumer personal data. Companies that conduct a substantial portion of their business online must be especially vigilant about maintaining tight control over confidential intellectual property and their customers’ personal information. Recent developments in the United States have led to an increased focus on trade ...

Federal Circuit Holds Google Liable for Copyright Infringement of Java API

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) has overturned a jury verdict and district court decisions finding that Google’s copying and use of 37 of Oracle’s Java API packages are permissible as ‘fair use’ under copyright law. 

The dispute has been in litigation for about eight years and has yet to conclude. In 2005, Google acquired Android, ...

European parliament calls for suspension of EU-US Privacy Shield

The European Parliament passed a nonbinding resolution calling on the European Commission to suspend the EU-US Privacy Shield unless the United States becomes fully compliant with EU data protection laws by September 1, 2018. 

The Privacy Shield is an arrangement between the authorities in the US and the EU, enabling US companies who certify to the Privacy Shield framework to ...

New privacy legislation hastily enacted in California

California lawmakers enacted a new privacy-centric law known as the “California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018” (CCPA). The CCPA will take effect on January 1, 2020.

This comprehensive legislation shares certain similarities with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that became enforceable this May. Amongst other similarities, the CCPA adopts a number of GDPR principles, such as ...

Precedential U.S. Legislation Curtails Immunity for Operators of Online Services

For the first time in over 20 years, the U.S. Congress has passed a bill curtailing immunity from liability granted to operators of online services for publishing and hosting unlawful content. Once President Trump signs the act, online platforms that are found to "promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person" or are found to be involved in sex trafficking, ...