Israel Amends Its Copyright Law with Additional Enforcement Measures

The Knesset (the Israeli legislature), in one of its last legislative moves before the upcoming general elections in Israel, has approved a major amendment to Israel's Copyright Law of 2007. The amendment is aimed at enhancing the rights of copyright holders due to the difficulties they face in enforcing infringements committed on or through the internet, especially with regard to ...

Second Circuit Bans a Company’s Marketplace for Resale of Digital Music

The United States Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed a prior ruling by the district court, holding that ReDigi, an online platform for the resale of lawfully purchased digital music files, infringes copyrighted music.

ReDigi sought to create a technology and marketplace for resale of music files. A ReDigi user seeking to resell music would use the ReDigi ...

EU Commission Sets Deadline for the U.S. to Cure Privacy Shield Deficiency

The EU Commission published its second annual review of the EU-US Privacy Shield program which is designed to allow personal data flows from the EU to organizations in the U.S. that are certified under the Privacy Shield program.

The review found that the U.S. Department of Commerce, which administers the Privacy Shield program, has further strengthened the Privacy Shield certification ...

New York Attorney General Imposes Unprecedented Fine for COPPA Violations

The Attorney General (AG) for the State of New York imposed the largest-ever penalty for violations of the U.S. federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) – 4.95 million dollars – in a settlement reached with Oath, Inc., the successor of AOL. 
The AG alleged that AOL knowingly provided online advertising services to a website directed to children under the ...

Israeli Privacy Authority Publishes Draft Guidelines on the Use of Drones and Smart City Guidance

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) – Israel's regulatory and enforcement authority for personal data – has published draft guidelines on the use of drones and guidance for municipalities on privacy aspects of smart cities.
The draft guidelines, which do not apply to drones that collect information "for personal use that is not for business purposes", establish the following principles:  ...

Israeli Regulators Launch an Inter-Regulatory Panel on Virtual Assets

The Bank of Israel announced the establishment of an inter-regulatory panel for the purpose of strengthening the cooperation on the regulation of cryptocurrencies and virtual assets. The panel includes representatives from the Capital Market Authority, the Securities Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the National Economic Council, the Tax Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prohibition ...

United Kingdom Makes Data Protection Plans for ‘No Deal’ Brexit

The Government of the United Kingdom has published guidance discussing the impact on UK data protection law if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on Brexit Day – March 29, 2019. At the outset, the EU’s GDPR will cease to apply in the UK on Brexit Day. Therefore, the UK plans that its EU (Withdrawal) Act of 2018 ...

Names and Email Addresses Constitute a Database Subject to Israeli Data Protection Law

The Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) – Israel's regulatory and enforcement authority for personal data – has published a public statement laying out the PPA’s interpretation of the Israeli Privacy Protection Law regarding email addresses.

The statement discusses whether a list containing merely names and email addresses is considered a "Database" under the Israeli Privacy Protection Law. The PPA's position is ...