Israeli Patent Commissioner Says that AI Cannot be Considered an “Inventor”

The Commissioner of Patents in Israel denied two patent applications submitted by Dr. Steven Thaler. The Commissioner found that recognizing AI as a patent inventor, or registration of a patent for an invention created without any human involvement, is a question of policy best decided by the legislature. Until the legislature enacts different rules, only a human being may be ...

U.S. Supreme Court to Delineate the Boundaries of Immunity Granted to Online Service Providers

The Supreme Court of the United States held oral arguments in the Gonzalez family’s case against Google. The plaintiffs are family members of Nohemi Gonzalez, an American student murdered in a 2015 ISIS attack in Paris. The family accuses Google of responsibility for the attacks, due to the automated user-feed recommendation of terrorism-inciting content and YouTube videos.

The federal law ...

MyHeritage to pay 400,000 ILS in Damages Resulting from a Data Breach

The District Court in Tel Aviv approved a 400,000 ILS settlement agreement with MyHeritage, the genealogy platform operator, in a class action lawsuit that accused the company of deficient data safeguards that led to a data breach. The company will also give consumers free access to use its Deep Nostalgia service, valued at a total of 1,085,915 ILS.

The data ...

EDPB Publishes Final Guidelines on Dark Patterns and Cross-Border Transfers

The European Data Protection Board published the final versions of three guidelines previously published for public comments. The first is the guidelines on “Deceptive design patterns in social media platform interfaces: how to recognize and avoid them”; the second is the guidelines on certification as a tool for cross-border data transfers; the third is the guidelines on the interplay between ...

The European Parliament Opposes the Forthcoming EU-US Data Privacy Framework

According to a draft declaratory (non-binding) resolution initiated by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament, the forthcoming EU-US Data Privacy Framework does not provide the required level of protection of information privacy and the European Commission should not approve it.

In December 2022, President Biden issued an executive order to promote the re-establishment ...

The White House Publishes a National Cybersecurity Strategy

The White House published a national cybersecurity strategy designed to determine the best approach to address cyber threats originating from both state and non-state actors. Through this national strategy, the U.S. government seeks to promote a digital environment that will support the implementation of more efficient cyber protection, and the development of recovery capabilities that will mitigate the impact of ...

Various Lawsuits Filed Against Companies Offering AI Technology

Getty Images has accused Stability AI Inc. of using more than 12 million photographs from the Getty Images collection, alongside associated captions, and metadata, without permission or proper payment to Getty Images, as part of Stability AI’s efforts to build a competing business.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Delaware, alleges multiple violations: copyright infringement, false copyright management information, ...

New Israeli Bill on the Collection and Evaluation of Flight Passenger Data

The Knesset (the Israeli parliament) has approved the first reading of a legislative bill to allow the surreptitious collection of personal and sensitive information from passengers of flights entering and leaving Israel. The bill will allow the state to collect Passenger Name Records (PNR), which include, among other things, the mobile phone number, e-mail address, airfare payment method, invoice delivery ...