A Labor Tribunal disqualified e-mail messages as evidance

The Nazareth District Labor Tribunal has granted [Hebrew] an employee’s motion, during proceedings against his employer, to strike off a number of e-mail messages, included in the defendants’ affidavit. The grounds for the motion were that in order to obtain these messages, the employee’s work electronic mailbox was accessed, thus injuring his right to privacy. The Tribunal commented that these ...

Petition to the Supreme Court: recognize web users as journalists

The Israeli High Court of Justice recently granted a petition to review a claim by an Israeli user-generated news website named "Scoop.co.il" to recognize its writers as Journalists. The petition was filed against the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO).

The petitioner is looking for two remedies: it asks to recognize itself as 'media' and its writers as 'Journalists'. These definitions ...

A forum manager to pay 100,000 NIS for libel

A forum manger at the Walla! Website was ordered [Hebrew] to pay compensations in the sum of 100,000 NIS, for her part in libelous publications posted by the public in the forum under her management.  In May 2007, Judge Shoshana Almagor, president of the Tel-Aviv Magistrates’ Court, has determined [Hebrew] that Anat Refuah-Aharonovits is responsible for the publications, due to ...

Exposing secret appendices of franchises of ISPs

Secret appendices were attached to franchises of the cellular companies and the ISPs received from the state. According to these appendices, the suppliers are obligated to transfer to the security forces - I.D.F, General Security Services, Hamosad, the Israel Police and the prison service - any information on surfing figures of the internet surfers in Israel, upon their request. This ...

Bill of indictment for extortion women he met at JDate.com

A bill of indictment was filed lately with the Tel-Aviv District Court against Eduard Nasimov, a suspect in serious offences he committed to four women he met via the leading acquaintanceship jewish website http://www.jdate.com. The defendant is accused in threat, extortion, stealing, receiving something deceitfully, assaulting, sexual harassment, etc. According to the bill of indictment, Nasimov, a 25 years ...

A class action against Bezeq for broadband speed approved

The Tel-Aviv District Court has approved [Hebrew] a class action suit against Bezeq in the extent of 100 million NIS (as of 2005). The prosecution claims that Bezeq has charged full rates from its ADSL clients, despite actual technical difficulties in the connection. The action was brought forward in the name of "WOW" clients' who joined the ADSL service promised ...

New law regulates access to communication data

Law enforcement agencies in Israel have been granted broad access to information held by telecommunication service providers, under legislation aimed at regulating communication data transfer during the course of criminal investigations. Following several months of deliberation by the Israeli Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, the Communication Data Law, formally called the Criminal Procedure (Enforcement Powers – Communication Data) Law, ...

Employer's right to monitor employees' email appealed

TheMarker.com recently reported  [Hebrew] a request for an appeal to the Tel Aviv Regional Labor Tribunal's decision that allows employers to read and monitor employees' email messages. The appeal was filed with the National Labor Court in Jerusalem. Last July, Judge Sigal Davidov-Motola established that in order to read employee's email messages, the employer must fulfill the provisions of the ...