Stock trading remodeled by flash traders

Ms. Ester Levanon, CEO of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) has recently commented that Flash Traders (also known as Algorithmic Traders) take up a growing capacity of the daily volume of trade in the TASE, as well as in other leading stock exchange venues. Flash Trading refers to traders in the capital market that use high speed digital processing to compute ...

Google found liable for AdWords privacy invasion

For the first time an Israeli court has found Google liable for invasion of privacy, because the company’s AdWords service allowed a person's name to be used as a keyword without consent.
During 2007, a plastic surgery services company called: Proportzia PMC used Google's AdWords service to promote its services through sponsored links on Google search result pages. Among ...

New guidelines for employees' placement services

The Israeli Law Information and Technology Authority (ILITA) has published new guidelines on privacy principles for applying the provisions of the Protection of Privacy Act on jobs placement services.

The guidelines are a result of a four years process of consultations led by ILITA with placement services, employers and other relevant stakeholders. Their main objective is to enhance the privacy protection ...

Israel is preparing to issue biometric IDs

New regulations and orders introduced by the Ministers Committee for Biometric Applications set the ground for a two years biometric IDs issuance trial period. The Ministry of Home Affairs is making final preparations to start issuing the IDs that will contain encoded fingerprints and facial image, and will be stored in a national database. A campaign led by privacy activists ...

Google street view approved in Israel

Following a long governmental discussion during the past few months, and after considering privacy and security concerns, the justice ministry, through the Law Technology and Information Authority (ILITA), released its conditional permit for Google to operate Street View in Israel.

Google's well known Street View service allows Google Maps users to view panoramic photographs of streets and other public spaces, ...

New draft guidelines on use of surveillance cameras

ILITA makes headlines again. On December 6th 2011, During a session of the Israeli parliament ('Knesset') science committee, that was dedicated to mark the international human rights day, the Law Information and Technology Authority announced new proposed guidelines on the use and deployment of surveillance cameras.

In their press release, ILITA describes the need for the guidelines, following a ...

New privacy code for outsourcing services

The Israeli Law Information and Technology Authority (ILITA) has published new guidelines on privacy principles related to the processing of personal information by outsourcing entities.

The guidelines are not obligatory. However, they reflect ILITA's opinion and serve as legal basis for their inspections and enforcement activities. The failure of a database owner to comply with the guidelines may be regarded ...

Israeli Police receive further access to genetic data

The Israeli Parliament, the "Knesset", has voted in favor of  a third amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law (enforcement rights - body search and seizure of identifying information) (3rd amendment) - 2011 (The law - in Hebrew). The new law broadens the authorities of the Israeli Police and enables them to use genetic information retrieved from suspects who have previously been ...