Israel Supreme Court Rules on Social Media Blocking by a Public Official

The Supreme Court of Israel has enjoined a  public official from blocking followers from their social media accounts, even if the account is not operated by a public authority. This decision emerged from a resident of a town in Israel, who was blocked by the mayor’s Twitter account after the resident posted a tweet critical of the mayor. As a ...

DNS Provider Cleared of Copyright Infringement

The Swiss DNS provider Quad9, a non-profit organization that offers domain name translation services and protection against phishing and malicious software, has won an appeal in its legal battle against Sony Music concerning the blocking of websites offering pirated content. The Higher Regional Court in Dresden, Germany, overturned an earlier order that had compelled the service to block pirated websites. ...

Google Settles Google Play Antitrust Lawsuit

Google has agreed to pay $700 million and implement changes to its Play Store, to settle the antitrust lawsuit that nearly all 50 states in the U.S. asserted against it. This lawsuit alleged that the Play Store operates as an illegal monopoly. The settlement was approved by a federal district court in San Francisco. The separate lawsuit asserted by Epic ...

UK Introduces Comprehensive AI Bill

The Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill was presented in the UK, focusing on five principle values: safety, transparency, fairness, accountability, competitiveness, and remedy. Its main goals are to establish regulations in the AI sector and to create an Artificial Intelligence Authority. This Authority will supervise AI regulation and integration across various sectors while adhering to these central principles.

Defined within the ...

Israel Tax Authority Unveils Taxation of Digital Currency Profits

The Israeli Tax Authority recently introduced a new procedure that will facilitate the payment of tax by owners of digital currencies, on their profits from these currencies. This move primarily addresses the challenge posed by the refusal of many banks in Israel to accept deposits from digital currency transactions, a concern often linked to fears of money laundering and terrorism ...

Judicial Guidelines for Use of Responsible AI in UK Courts

The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary in England and Wales has issued “Guidance for Responsible Use of AI in Courts and Tribunals”, to assist judicial office holders in effectively understanding and implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their job functions. This document provides insight into the practical application of AI in the legal field, highlighting both potential risks and challenges as well ...

Israel Publishes AI Regulatory Policy Document

The Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology, in partnership with the Legal Counsel and Legislative Affairs Department of the Ministry of Justice, has released a regulatory policy document to guide government ministries and regulators on AI regulation and ethics.

The document highlights the vital role of responsible AI development in promoting growth, sustainable development, social welfare, and Israeli leadership ...

Israel to Expand Security Agency Powers

The Israeli government is proposing an amendment to the law governing the authority and operation of the Israel Security Agency (ISA), colloquially known as “Shabak”. The proposal introduces a significant expansion of the agency’s powers, particularly in the areas of intelligence collection and surveillance.

The proposal establishes a legal basis for the use of advanced surveillance tools, similar to NSO’s ...