Israel's Attorney-General: Employees Cannot be Compelled to Use Biometric Time Clocks

In a brief submitted to the National Court of Labor, the Israeli Attorney-General asserts that using biometric time clocks at the workplace, without obtaining employee consent, disproportionately violates their right to privacy: "In the absence of consent, compelling an employee to provide a biometric sample for the purpose of time logging, in itself, does not confrom with the duties of ...

ILITA Issues Guidance to Political Parties on Safeguarding the Registry of Voters

In advance of the upcoming general elections in Israel, the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority (ILITA – the Israeli privacy regulator) has published guidelines regarding the duties of political parties in safeguarding personal information that they obtain and collect. The guidelines address personal information in the Registry of Voters as well as personal information pertaining to the parties’ members. ...

Israel Supervisor of Banks Issues Cyber Defense Circular

The Supervisor of Banks at the Bank of Israel (Israel's central bank), David Zaken, has issued a circular regarding "Cyber Defense Management" at banking corporations and credit card companies.

The circular specifies that banking corporations must place special emphasis on managing cyber-related risks, and take the necessary measures to effectively manage these risks. According to the circular, banking corporations particularly ...

Israeli Labor Court: Can Employees Copy Their Employer’s Emails?

Ever since the Israeli National Labor Court’s landmark ruling on the Isakov case, we know the Israeli court’s opinion on employers who access their employees’ email accounts: condemnation of the employer and inadmissibility of those emails as evidence capable of proving the employer’s claim, due to the invasion of privacy involved.
But what happens when an employee accesses the ...

Israeli Court Might not Let Facebook off the Hook on Litigating in Israel

A recent decision by the Israeli Court for the District of Jerusalem suggests that lawsuits filed by Israeli Facebook users against the social network, may force Facebook to litigate in Israel, rather than California. The decision was delivered on a lawsuit filed by an Israeli Facebook user who sought court judgment that would prohibit Facebook from deleting content he posted ...

"It's indeed immoral, but who the fuck cares"

The office of the State's attorney has indicted a 39 year old Israeli from Tel Aviv, for hacking the computers, email accounts and cloud storage accounts of Madonna's musical director and several other Madonna crew members. Among other offences, Mr. Adi Lederman was charged with unlawful penetration to computers, unlawful wiretapping, invasion of privacy and copyright infringement - committed with ...

Broad Powers to a New Israeli National Cyber Defense Authority

A new executive decision that addresses the “advancement of national preparedness for the protection of cyberspace” will soon be submitted for government approval in Israel. The decision proposes the establishment of a national authority for cyber defense, within the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.

The new authority will absorb most of the powers currently vested with the existing National Authority for ...'s Haim Ravia Featured in Data Protection & Privacy Laws Annual Review's Haim Ravia, Senior Partner and Chair of the Internet, IT & Copyright Group at Pearl Cohen, has been featured in Financier Worldwide’s 2014 Data Protection & Privacy Laws Annual Review.

The Annual Review canvasses the opinions of leading experts from around the world who advise on data protection and privacy laws. Haim, who deals extensively with data ...