UK Privacy Regulator Publishes Code of Practice for Digital Services Aimed for Children

The UK privacy regulator – the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – has published the final version of its Age Appropriate Design Code of Practice for designers, developers, and operators of digital services aimed to be used by children. 

The ICO requires that services provide greater protection of children’s personal data by default, stating, for instance, that location and profiling features ...

Not All Automatic Dialed Messages are Restricted, Says a US Appeals Court

The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia held in a majority opinion that the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which in general prohibits the use of Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems to play recorded messages and send text messages without the prior consent of the subscriber, applies only to systems that use randomly or sequentially generated ...

French Privacy Regulator Recommends How to Obtain Consent for Cookies

The French data protection authority (the “CNIL”) published for public comments its draft of practical recommendations on how organizations should obtain the consent of data subjects for processing their information through cookies. 

The draft contains practical examples for websites and apps owners and operators on the proper procedures for obtaining data subject consent to cookies. These include presenting the information ...

Failure to Register Copyrights in the U.S. Can Bar Statutory Damages for Infringements

A decision delivered by the Federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana held that copyright owners which neglect to register the copyright of their work before an infringer’s initial infringement of the work are not entitled to statutory damages even for post-registration infringements by the infringer. These owners will be required to prove actual damages and also ...

UK Privacy Regulator Publishes Draft Code of Practice on Direct Marketing

The UK privacy regulator – the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – published for public comments its draft code of practice for entities engaging in direct marketing. The code aims to provide practical guidance and recommendations for organizations using direct marketing in compliance with the GDPR and the e-Privacy Directive as applied in the United Kingdom (the Privacy and Electronic ...

GDPR Fines Reach an Aggregate €114 Million

A recently issued report by DLA Piper shows that since the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) came into effect in May 2018, EU regulators have imposed €114 million in penalties for companies violating the GDPR. 

The largest fine was €50 million imposed on Google by the French data protection authority (the “CNIL”), due to violations of the GDPR’s duties of ...

The Israeli Payment Services Law Enters into Force

The Israeli Payment Services Law entered into force on January 9, 2020. The law is a comprehensive legislative arrangement of all types of payment services, including digital payment methods such as payment applications. The new law regulates the use and offering of payment services on three levels:

  • Oversight of payment service providers;
  • The contractual relationship between a payment service provider ...

Israel: Sharing a Post on Social Media May Constitute Defamation. Liking it Will Not.

In a recent decision, the Israeli Supreme Court held that sharing a defamatory post on social media platforms may itself constitute a defamatory re-publication subject to liability under the Israeli Anti-Defamation Law, while merely ‘liking‘ a defamatory post will not give rise to liability. 

The court explained that the definition of “publication” under the law is interpreted broadly to include ...