Israeli Supreme Court Authorizes the Self-Regulatory Content Takedown Arrangement between the Gov’t and Online Platforms

The Israeli Supreme Court has scrutinized and authorized the unofficial arrangement for the removal of harmful content published on online platforms. The arrangement was voluntarily established between the Israeli Ministry of Justice’s Cyber Unit and platforms such as Facebook but is not based on any statutory authority.

The Court’s judgment was delivered on a petition filed by the Association for ...

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Issues Draft Policy on Data Minimization

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (Israel’s privacy regulator) published a draft policy paper on data minimization under Israeli law for public comments. The draft paper highlights that data handlers must ensure that the personal data they collect is relevant and necessary for the purposes of the database in which the data is maintained.

Data handlers are expected to integrate the ...

E.U. A Step Closer to Recognizing UK and South Korea as Adequate for Cross-Border Data Transfers

Following Britain’s Brexit from the European Union, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) recently published its opinion about the EU Commission’s forthcoming plan to recognize the United Kingdom as an adequate jurisdiction for data transfers from the EU. Classifying the UK as GDPR Adequate State may authorize data transferring from other EU states to the UK.

The EDPB’s opinion is ...

California Updates Privacy Regulation and Appoints Privacy Protection Agency Board Members

The California Attorney General announced a set of amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulations, effective March 15, 2021. The new regulations provide instructions for businesses that collect personal information in the course of interacting with consumers offline. These businesses must inform consumers “by an offline method of their right to opt-out and provide instructions on how to ...

European Data Protection Board Issues Draft Guidance on Virtual Voice Assistants

The panel of data protection authorities of the member states of the European Union (European Data Protection Board – EDPB), published for public comments its guidelines on Virtual Voice Assistants (VVAs). The draft guidelines emphasize that Virtual Voice Assistants, by their very nature, process voluminous personal data, which in turn warrants special attention to their data protection implications. Also, given ...

Copyright Trial of the Century Ends with Google’s Victory over Oracle

The Supreme Court of the United States has handed Google an unequivocal triumph in what has been dubbed ‘the copyright case of the century’. A majority opinion of the Court held that Google’s copying parts of Oracle’s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the Java programming language is permissible as “fair use” under the Copyright Act.

The dispute between Oracle and ...

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Paves the Way for Unsolicited Commercial Text Messages

The Supreme Court of the United States has resolved a circuit split between federal courts of appeal regarding the interpretation of a key phrase in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). That key phrase determines, among other issues, whether or not companies need to secure a cellphone subscriber’s written consent to send them text messages, including commercial marketing text messages. ...

Israeli Legislature Enacts Law on Technology-Monitored COVID-19 Home Isolation

The Knesset (the Israeli legislature) enacted an amendment to the Coronavirus measures law to allow for technology-monitored home isolation of Israelis returning from abroad. The law recognizes that those returning from abroad carry a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, particularly global variants of the virus, and thus should be given a choice of technology-monitored home isolation or a physically guarded ...