Arkansas Follows Utah in Legislation Restricting Social Media Accounts for Minors

A new law in the State of Arkansas, set to come into effect on September 1, 2023, requires social network operators to verify the age of users. If the user is a minor under the age of 18, they are not allowed to open an account without explicit consent from their parents. Arkansas is now the second state to restrict ...

Additional Countries Join the Ban on TikTok in Government Devices

The United Kingdom announced an immediate ban on the use of the TikTok application on devices of government officials. The ban was issued amid concerns that TikTok, a video-sharing application owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, may share sensitive data from user devices, such as politicians and ministers, with the Chinese government.

The ban reflects an escalation of the information ...

China Publishes Uniform Contract for Cross-Border Data Transfers

The head of China’s Cyberspace Administration (CAC) announced the completion of the uniform contract for transferring information from China. The contract will serve as the basis for organizations in the country desiring to export the personal data of Chinese residents for processing by organizations outside of China. Organizations are required to adopt the contract in its entirety, and it is ...

Iowa Enacts New Privacy Law; Colorado Adopts Final Privacy Regulations

Iowa’s General Assembly enacted a new data privacy law, officially named the Act Relating to Consumer Data Protection Providing Civil Penalties and Including Effective Date Provisions. The new law will apply to businesses that process information about 100,000 or more Iowans, or that derive over fifty percent of gross revenue from the sale of information while processing information about 25,000 ...

UK ICO Publishes Updated Guidance on AI and Privacy

The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the British privacy regulator, published an updated version of its guide on artificial intelligence and data protection, in response to calls from the British industry for clarification. The guide was initially published in 2020 and provides an outline of the legal obligations relating to the use of artificial intelligence. I also established a ...

The U.S. Publishes a Report on the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

The Commission on Artificial Intelligence Competitiveness, Inclusion, and Innovation assembled by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Technology Engagement Center published its report and recommendations, which emphasize education, training, and regulation.

The commission’s main recommendations focus on four key elements. First, the adjustment of curricula in schools and higher education institutions. Second, the encouragement to invest resources in training the existing ...

Israel Advances Amendments to Privacy Law

The Israeli governmental committee for legislation voted to continue the legislation of Amendment number 14 of the Privacy Protection Law, which was introduced in January 2022 and had passed the first reading at the Knesset (the Israeli parliament). The committee’s decision allows the Knesset to continue deliberations on the bill from the point they were discontinued when the previous Knesset ...

U.S. Copyright Office Issues Guidelines for Registering Works with Content Generated by AI

The US Copyright Office has launched a new initiative to examine federal copyright law and policy questions arising from the use of artificial intelligence (AI). The discussion will address, among other issues, the protection of copyright for works created by AI tools and the use of protected works for machine learning. The Copyright Office indicated that it received numerous applications ...