The United States Resumes the Advancement of Net Neutrality Rules

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking steps to reinstate net neutrality rules, which were rescinded by the Trump administration in 2018. Net neutrality rules require internet access providers to treat all online traffic equally, devoid of bias, favoritism, or unjust interference, without intentionally slowing down or blocking any type of online services. These rules are specifically aimed at prohibiting ...

Canada Is a Step Closer to Affirming the “Right to Be Forgotten”

A majority opinion of the Federal Court of Appeals in Canada held that Google’s search engine is subject to the federal privacy law, a decision that could grant Canadians the “right to be forgotten”, namely, to request the delisting of search results.

In 2017, a complainant contacted the Canadian federal privacy commissioner, alleging that obsolete and incorrect online information about ...

UK ICO Releases Guidance on Data Protection Rules when Monitoring Employees

The UK privacy regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), has released guidance to employers on complying with data protection laws in the complex issue of employee monitoring.

According to the guidance, employers need to strike the right balance between data protection rights and the need to monitor employees. Before implementing any monitoring measures, employers should conduct a Data Protection Impact ...

The UK Enacts a New Law Restricting Internet Content

The Parliament of the United Kingdom approved new and controversial legislation governing the supervision and control of websites and their content, primarily social networks such as Meta (formerly Facebook), TikTok, and content sites such as YouTube. The declared purpose of the legislation is to “make Britain the safest place in the online world, especially for children”, according to one of ...

Injunction against the California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code Act

A federal district court in San Jose, California, issued a temporary restraining order suspending the entry into force of the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (“CAADCA”). The law is considered the most significant piece of legislation in the United States since the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). It requires businesses to implement significant privacy protection measures ...

Israel’s War Against Hamas Prompts Emergency Data Protection Measures

Following Hamas’s atrocious attack against Israel, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) has been authorized, under emergency regulations, to access computer systems that operate stationary cameras. For a three-months’ period, the IDF can delete footage or disrupt camera operations, especially when the footage could pose a threat to national security or interfere with the IDF’s military operations.

The access is permitted ...

International Collaborations Seek to Establish a Framework for the Use of AI

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), comprising countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia, is formulating a unified policy regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). This policy emphasizes ethical and governance considerations. It highlights potential threats linked to AI, including deep fakes and impersonation, while offering member states the leeway to formulate strategies for countering these dangers. ...

Preliminary Draft of California Regulations on Cyber Audits and Privacy Risk Review

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) has published a preliminary draft of regulations regarding cybersecurity audit and risk assessment that also applies to automated decision-making technologies.

The applicability of the regulations regarding security audits is still open for discussion. The initial draft offers different alternatives for the applicability of the regulations to businesses, based on different criteria of the scope ...