Israeli Guidelines on Secure Use of Open-Source

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (“PPA“) issued guidelines for managing cybersecurity risks arising from open-source software (“OSS“), emphasizing compliance with the Protection of Privacy Law, and the Protection of Privacy Regulations (Data Security). The guidelines explain that using OSS can carry risks, including privacy risks, especially when the code is not properly maintained. OSS may contain ...

U.S. Congress Pushes for a New Federal Privacy Law

The Chairs of the U.S. Senate’s Commerce Committee and U.S. House of Representatives Energy Committee introduced the American Privacy Rights Act, a proposal for a unified federal data privacy bill that establishes privacy protections for Americans, supersedes state laws, and includes enforcement measures with individual rights to sue.

The proposed law seeks to establish various measures, including –

  • Replacement of ...

AI Regulatory Developments in the EU, US, and at the UN

The European Union (EU) has enacted its most comprehensive legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI), known as the AI Act. This very extensive law, spanning over two hundred pages, applies to AI technology providers and users across both private and public sectors. Notably, the AI Act also has extraterritorial applications, affecting companies and organizations outside the EU. The bulk of ...

Israeli Regulator Issues Guidelines on National ID Cards and Digital Health Data

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) has published an opinion regarding the collection of national ID cards and numbers, addressing the common business practice of requiring consumers to provide their national ID numbers and, in some cases, a photograph of the national ID card, for services like courier deliveries.

The opinion outlines the PPA’s position on the legitimacy and legality ...

U.K. and U.S. Partner to Enhance AI Safety

On April 1st, the United States and the United Kingdom signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on developing tests for advanced artificial intelligence models. The memorandum is effective immediately and aligns with commitments made during the AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park in the U.K. in November 2023. Each of the two countries established an AI Safety Institute, and ...

CJEU Justifies Storage of Fingerprints within ID Cards

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held that the European Union’s regulation of identity cards, which requires that the cards store the cardholder’s two fingerprints, is constitutional under fundamental rights to respect for private life and to protection of personal data.

The decision was delivered on a case involving a German citizen who petitioned the courts ...

New Hampshire Becomes Fifteenth State to Enact a Privacy Law

The Governor of New Hampshire has signed into law Senate Bill 255, positioning New Hampshire as the fifteenth state in the U.S. to enact a comprehensive privacy law. The new law, effective January 1, 2025, targets businesses operating within the state or offering products or services to New Hampshire residents. It applies to entities that, annually either: (1) control or ...