European Council Adopts the Data Governance Act

The European Council announced that it has approved the Data Governance Act, aimed at improving the availability of data and promoting data sharing between individuals, the private sector, and the public sector. The Act will enter into force within 15 months.

The Act establishes mechanisms for the safe reuse of certain categories of public-sector data (which complement the 2019 Open Data Directive); business models for data intermediation; restrictions on the international transfer of non-personal data (similar to GDPR’s restrictions on cross-border transfer of personal data); and mechanisms for encouraging data altruism by individuals and companies, for the common good.

The Data Act, a separate piece of legislation intended to supplement the Data Governance Act, lays down the framework within which individuals and companies can derive value from data sharing. The Data Act is currently in the early stages of legislation.

CLICK HERE to read the Data Governance Act.

CLICK HERE to read the Data Act draft.