New Report Indicates Significant Improvement in Privacy Compliance in Israel

The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) published a summary report of its supervisory activities in 2018-2020. The report reviews the results of the supervisory activities performed in fourteen sectors (such as medical institutions, local authorities, and data storage and processing companies), and indicates an overall significant improvement in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.

Supervised organizations who were found in violation of the law were instructed to submit to the PPA a document detailing how the violations were cured, along with an undertaking signed by a senior official to cure further violations according to a scheduled work plan. According to the PPA’s report, approximately 57% of the violations in all sectors were already cured by the time the report was drafted.

Nonetheless, the report still presents a disturbing picture regarding organizational compliance with the Israeli regulations on data security obligations for database owners and holders. The report specifically points to the regulations’ provisions on outsourcing data processing activities, regarding which the PPA found that 75% of organizations do not fully comply.

CLICK HERE to read the Privacy Protection Authority’s 2018-2020 Supervisory Report (in Hebrew).