E.U. and U.S. To Establish a New Framework for Int’l Data Transfers

The United States Government and the European Union Commission announced that they had reached an agreement “in principle” on a new framework for cross-border data transfers to enable predictable and stable data flows between the EU and the US. The new framework is intended to replace the Privacy Shield, which was invalidated in July 2020 when the Court of Justice of the EU found that it had not provided sufficient protection from US government surveillance.

The framework will include “binding safeguards to limit access to data by U.S. intelligence authorities”, as well as a “new two-tier redress system” including a “Data Protection Review Court”. The US commitment will be promulgated in a Presidential Executive Order, which the EU will use as a basis for a Commission adequacy decision.

CLICK HERE to read the EU Commission’s one-pager on the new framework.