European Commission Publishes Proposal for a Data Act

The European Commission published a proposal for a new regulation on fair access and use of data, aimed at facilitating free access to digital data across borders and sectors and preventing abuse of imbalances in negotiating power to ensure fairness in data sharing contracts.

The proposed regulations do not address personal data, but mainly technical data. Among other things, the proposed regulation establishes consumers’ right to access and use data generated by Internet-of-Things (IoT) components, which are usually otherwise inaccessible to consumers. It also seeks to facilitate an easier transition for consumers between providers of data processing services. In addition, the proposed regulation lays down a framework for international transfers of data, to ensure that non-EU governments do not illegitimately access such data.

CLICK HERE to read the proposal for regulations on harmonized rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act).

CLICK HERE to read the European Commission’s press release.