The Israeli Parliament, the "Knesset", has voted in favor of a third amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law (enforcement rights - body search and seizure of identifying information) (3rd amendment) - 2011 (The law - in Hebrew). The new law broadens the authorities of the Israeli Police and enables them to use genetic information retrieved from suspects who have previously been interrogated, even if charges were not eventually filed against those suspects. In addition, the amendment allows the police to transfer a genetic profile which was obtained from a suspect's body, to authorities abroad. Parliament member Zahava Gal-on and members of the Association of Civil Rights in Israel claimed that the police would not be able to supervise the sensitive genetic information once it left Israel and that the information might fall into the wrong hands. Another use that the law permits and which has raised much controversy, is the fact that during their search for missing people or during the identification of John Does, the police may collect genetic information from the missing person's belongings (for example his toothbrush) and run a check to see whether the genetic information matches any of the unsolved crimes in the data base. Thus, someone who was reported as missing may eventually find himself being charged for an unsolved crime from the past. Source: haaertz (Hebrew).
Israeli Police receive further access to genetic data
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