Patent Offices on the Web
- Chinese Patent Office
- CIPO-OPIC : Canadian Intellectual Property Office - Office de la propriיtי intellectuelle
European Patent Office
The official Web site of the European Patent Office, the executive body of the European Patent Organisation.
- Germany - DPMA - Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial
the Brazilian Industrial Property System
- Japan Patent Office
Patent- og Varemזrkestyrelsen
The Danish Patent and Trademark Office.
- The Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong.
The New Zealand Intellectual Property Office
The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand administers the Patents Act 1953, the trademarks Act 1953, and the Designs Act 1953.
- The U.K. Patent Office
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
US Patent Office - Databases: Patent Grant and Patent Application Full-Text and Full-Page Images
Patents granted since 1790.