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Consumers in Israel will soon be able to open bank accounts online

Last week, the Banking Supervisor at the Bank of Israel (Israel's Central Bank) published a draft directive, regarding the option for members of the public to open new bank accounts via the Internet, without the need to be physically present at a bank branch. The move is expected to ease the transition hardships consumers often face when moving their bank ...

Did the Israeli Biometric Database undergo the required security test?

Despite the fact that nearly 200,000 Israelis have already voluntarily joined the Israeli Biometric Database Project, the Digital Rights Movement alleges that the security of the database, which stores the biometric and personal data of the 200,000 participants, has not been properly tested, as required by law. The Biometric Database Management Authority released a report last month, which brought ...

Diner sues IDF soldiers for defamation on Facebook

The owners of “HaTeymania Shel Nabi Musa” (loosely translated: Nabi Musa's Yemeni Eatery), the eatery adjacent to the IDF base near Ma’ale Adumim (a town nearby Jerusalem), recently filed a 1.5 million Shekels (approximately US$430,000) defamation suit against 17 of the military base’s soldiers. The couple that owns the eatery claim that several years ago, the soldiers opened a Facebook ...

Left Facebook open at work? The Israeli Labor court is on your side

The Israeli Regional Labor Court in Tel Aviv recently held that an employer that uses the company’s computer after an employee has inadvertently left his Facebook account open on that computer, must immediately log-off the employee's account. According to the Court’s decision, anyone who uses computers nowadays knows that it’s not an uncommon occurrence to come upon a computer at ...

Lawsuit against Waze for copyright misappropriation seeks class action status

A motion seeking class action certification was filed with the Tel Aviv District Court, in a lawsuit against Waze Mobile Ltd., the company that operates the popular navigation service, as well as its founders, and Acrum (a subsidiary of Google that recently acquired Waze). The plaintiff, Roey Gorodish, is requesting that he be recognized as the lead plaintiff in the ...

?Did the biometric database pass required testing

Despite the fact that nearly 200,000 Israelis have already voluntarily joined the biometric database project, the Digital Rights Movement is claiming that the security of the database, which stores the biometric and personal data of its subjects, has not been secured, as required by law. The Database Management Authority released a report last month, which brought to light that seemingly, ...