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Insights's Haim Ravia Featured in Data Protection & Privacy Laws Annual Review's Haim Ravia, Senior Partner and Chair of the Internet, IT & Copyright Group at Pearl Cohen, has been featured in Financier Worldwide’s 2014 Data Protection & Privacy Laws Annual Review.

The Annual Review canvasses the opinions of leading experts from around the world who advise on data protection and privacy laws. Haim, who deals extensively with data ...

Israeli court rules website banner ads aren't spam

Last month, the Israeli District Court for the Central District (Lod), dismissed a motion for class action certification of a lawsuit against Google alleging that website banner ads are unlawful spam pursuant to the Israeli anti-spam law (officially known as Article 30A of the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasts), 5742-1982; The Hebrew version of the law is available here). ...

It is now cheaper to register a database with the Israeli regulator (but why is it required at all?)

The Constitution, Law and Justice committee of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) approved a reduction of the periodic fees imposed on owners of databases registered in Israel. The Israeli Protection of Privacy Law mandates the registration of databases in a registry maintained by the Israeli Registrar of Databases (the Israeli privacy regulator, nowadays a part of the Israeli Law, Information ...

Israeli Gov't discloses personal information of all dog owners

Wow... how the Israeli Government keeps respecting privacy, while demanding that every corporation be sure to dot the i's and cross the t's on its protection of privacy. This time, it’s the "dog database" smartphone app, which the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture began distributing through app stores in recent months. The app publicly discloses the personal information of all dog ...

Bank of Israel publishes draft guidelines on risk management in cloud computing

The Banking Supervision Department at the Bank of Israel (Israel’s central bank) recently published a draft directive letter to banks and credit card companies regarding the use of cloud computing services. The draft directive emphasizes that a banking corporation’s use of cloud services may expose it to “material operational risks related to information security, business continuity, command and control of ...