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Israeli Police to Operate a Cybercrime Hotline

The Israeli national police announced a plan to operate a telephone hotline directed to addressing cybercrime, which will be staffed by professional IT personnel. The hotline – 111 – is designed for dealing with cybercrime complaints such as online fraud, hacking, sex crimes and minor exploitation and more. The hotline is also designed to respond in real-time, allowing parents to ...

Tel Aviv District Court Holds: is subject to Israeli Courts

An international company engaged in online business must litigate at the venue of its customers and not vice versa – according to a recent decision delivered by the Tel Aviv District Court, in an application for class action certification against the Dutch online hotel reservation service
The class representative (named plaintiff), David Huta, alleged that, by operating ...

Israeli Supreme Court: "A smartphone is a person's private realm"

“A smartphone is akin to a mobile vault containing photos, at times sensitive photos, personal correspondence and data, some of which is confidential”, according to a recent Israeli Supreme Court criminal appeal judgment that sentenced a thief convicted of robbing cellphones from teenagers to three years in prison. 

The court justified the relatively severe punishment in that the “loss of ...

Israel: Online Service for Drafting and Submitting Small Claims

A recently launched Israeli website operated by law partnership Alkabetz Eshel – Tiktaklaw – offers an online service for drafting small claims complaints and submitting them to court. The submission service requires basic information on the nature of the claim and allows the attachment and uploading of additional files as evidence exhibits.

The fee for the service is 190 NIS ...

The Israeli Ministry of Justice is (Once Again) Revisiting the Best Evidence Rule

The Israeli Ministry of Justice has published a request for comments on the possibility of amending the Israeli Evidence Ordinance with respect to the validity of the “Best Evidence Rule”. This longstanding rule of evidence law applies when a litigant seeks to admit a document into evidence, for the purpose of proving its content, rather than its existence. The rule ...

Database of all compulsory car insurance policies in Israel stolen from courier

A grave incident has led to the theft of a database containing information on all compulsory car insurance policies in Israel since 1985. The information was stored on a backup disk maintained by "Ron Bina", the company that administers the database of statistical car insurance information in Israel, and was stolen from a motorcycle driven by a courier of the ...