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Israeli Credit Data Bill Headed for Final Enactment into Law

The Economic Affairs Committee of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) has approved the proposed Credit Data Bill, 5776-2015 for second and third (final) reading at the Knesset. The bill seeks to enhance competition in the Israeli consumer credit market, by establishing a central database at the Bank of Israel (Israel’s central bank) with information concerning the creditworthiness of Israelis. The ...

One Law for the State – Another for Startups

The well-known French saying “noblesse oblige” indicates that nobility obliges. Israel loves to be a “start-up nation”. It is therefore expectable that the Israeli domestic law be in line with a state that boasts its encouragement of business creativity and innovation. But it is not. When it comes to technology, the substantive law in Israel is often outdated. Even worse, ...

Can I Attack the Attacker?

Your organization has been cyber-attacked. Sensitive business and customer information has been leaked. Your organization’s reputation and competitive edge suffers irreparable damage. You hire a cyber security firm to investigate. The firm traces the hackers’ tracks and is about to hack into their computer systems in order to mitigate the damage, uncover more information about the hackers’ methods, disable their ...

The State will collect VAT for online services offered by foreign companies

The Israeli Tax Authority at the Israeli Ministry of Finance has released a draft bill proposing amendments to the Israeli Value Added Tax (VAT) law such that foreign companies established abroad who provide internet-based services to Israeli customers will be required to pay VAT to the Israeli Tax Authority. The draft bill lists electronic services, communication services, radio and television ...

Coming Soon: A Health Information Card for Every Israeli Patient

The Israeli Minister of Health, Mr. Ya’akov Litzman, announced his plan to promote the issuance of a uniform medical card that will consolidate all medical information about a patient, including information regarding treatments, medical tests, medications and medical history. The card is designed to allow all health providers and hospitals in Israel consolidated access to a patient’s medical information in ...