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Biometric Database will Transition to Permanent Full-Scale Operation

The Israeli Minister of Interior, Mr. Aryeh Deri, has announced that the biometric database, nowadays nearing the end of its pilot phase, will transition to permanent, full-scale operation. The database, in its permanent phase, will include a facial photo and two fingerprints for each recorded individual.
Israelis applying to obtain or renew their government-issued ID or passports during ...

Israeli Court Holds: Online Trading Platforms in Financial Assets are not Akin to Betting

The Tel Aviv district court’s department of economic affairs recently dismissed a motion seeking class action certification of a lawsuit filed against online platforms trading on financial assets, including binary option trading, holding that these platforms do not violate the criminal prohibition against administering unlawful betting and gaming. Judge Danya Kareth Meyer held that trading on these platforms does not ...

Israeli State Attorney Publishes Prosecutorial Policy on Digital Pedophilic Content

The Israeli State Attorney, Mr. Shai Nitzan, recently published new guidelines outlining prosecutorial policy on offenses related to possession, use and distribution of pedophilic content. The guidelines outline a strict approach toward offenders, both in respect of the criteria for prosecuting offenses related to pedophilic content and the sentences that prosecutors should argue for. The guidelines emphasize the severity of ...

Israel State Comptroller Criticizes Ill-Prepared Cyber Defense

The Israeli State Comptroller recently issued a summary of its comprehensive report, in which he dispraises Israel’s ill-preparedness against cyber threats. The summary raises, among others, the following points:

  • The process of developing a regime for allocating responsibilities in the field of cyber-defense has been dragging on for years and the process of formulating Israel’s overall cyber-defense doctrine has overrun ...

The WordPress-Wix Dispute

The open source community is engaged in a heated dispute between Automatic (the company behind WordPress) and Wix, two of the most prominent developers of content management systems. Reading carefully through the posts of both companies, it seems that they may strike on a fundamental dispute within the Free Software community and legal professionals counseling on Open Source Software: just ...

Israel Extends Deadline for Compulsory Accessibility Adjustments in Websites

The Welfare Committee of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) decided to extend the deadline for Israeli websites required to make accessibility adjustments, by one year. Pursuant to the Israeli regulations on Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities and the corresponding statute, virtually all Israeli websites would have had to adjust their interface in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium’s ...