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Cambridge Analytica Fiasco: Facebook Privacy Practices Under Worldwide Investigation

Personal data of 50 million Facebook users was handed out to Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm in the UK, in breach of the terms governing the use of such data. The firm, hired by President Trump's campaign in 2016, is suspected of exploiting the data by launching behaviorally targeted political messages to prospective voters. 

The collection of personal data ...

A Revolution in the World of Electronic Signatures in Israel

The third amendment to the Israeli Electronic Signature Law has entered into effect and will have a significant impact on how electronic signatures can be used in Israel. According to the amendment, any electronic signature, even a simple one, can potentially comply with any legal requirements for a signature – "provided that the purposes underlying the signature requirement found in ...

U.S. S.E.C. Publishes New Guidelines on Disclosure of Cyber-Risks to Investors

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has released guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosures. The guidance provides the Commission’s views about public companies’ disclosure obligations under existing law with respect to matters involving cybersecurity risk and incidents. It also addresses the importance of cybersecurity policies and procedures and the application of disclosure controls and procedures, insider trading prohibitions, and ...

The U.S Copyright Act May Apply to Infringements Outside the United States

The U.S Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that a foreign company, that transmitted copyright protected content into the U.S. via an online platform, is liable for copyright infringement under the U.S. Copyright Act, although the Copyright Act lacks an explicit provision on extraterritorial application. 

The decision was delivered in a lawsuit filed on behalf of ...

Israeli Bank Ordered to Provide Banking Services to Bitcoin-related Accout

The Israeli Supreme Court has granted a motion for interim injunction by Bits of Gold Ltd., enjoining Bank Le’umi Le’Israel, one of Israel’s largest and leading commercial banks, from ceasing to provide banking services to the company's bank account (which is related to Bitcoin commerce). The injunctive relief was granted for the duration of the appeal proceedings between the bank ...

Second Circuit Finds Media Monitoring Platform Not Protected by Fair Use

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has held that TVEyes, Inc., a media company that continuously monitors the content of more than 1,400 television and radio channels, is not protected by the fair use doctrine, reversing the lower court’s finding of fair use and concluding that TVEyes infringes the copyrighted broadcast of Fox News Network (the plaintiff). ...
