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Israeli Supreme Court Says Motions for Search Warrants in Digital Devices to be Held Ex-Parte and Unappealable

A majority opinion of the Supreme Court of Israel held that police motions for search warrants in computers and smartphones will be heard ex-parte in Magistrate Courts, without allowing the owners of these devices an opportunity to argue against the necessity and scope of the warrants before they are granted, and the search is conducted. The Court also held that ...

GDPR Fines: Dutch Regulator Fines Website for Lack of EU Representative; Norway Fines American AdTech Company for Unlawful Processing

The Dutch Data Protection Authority has imposed a first-of-its-kind fine for a violation of the GDPR’s requirement to appoint a GDPR representative in the EU, which applies to organizations established outside the EU. The €525,000 fine was imposed on the operator of the website which publishes the contact information of data subjects, often without their knowledge, to allow others ...

Australian Federal Court Finds Google Liable for Misleading Users Regarding its Processing of Geolocation Data

A federal court in Australia has found Google liable for misleading Android users nearly two years into thinking that with their Location History setting “off” Google would not obtain and use personal data about a user’s location. However, Google continued to obtain and use location data so long as the Web & App Activity was “on”.

Similarly, when users during ...

European Court of Human Rights Says Britain’s and Sweden’s Intelligence Programs Violate Human Rights

The Grand Chamber of Europe’s High Court for Human Rights has found that the UK’s regime for bulk interception of telecommunications under the UK’s Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act violates the European Convention on Human Rights due to its disproportionate violation of citizen’s private life in a way that exceeds what is necessary in a democratic society.

The court held ...

Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Eager to Rewrite the Statute’s Term for “Information”

The Privacy Protection Authority (PPA) issued for public comments a draft position paper in which it seeks to re-interpret the term “Information” as it concerns the Israeli Privacy Protection Law (PPL).

The PPL’s data protection regime applies to any entity that administers a “Database”. The PPL defines a “Database” as a collection of “Information” maintained in electronic form (with certain ...

Use of Artificial Intelligence Attracts Legislative and Regulatory Attention in the E.U., U.S., and Israel

The European Commission is proposing new legislative rules aimed to promote excellence and trust in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The new proposal of EU regulation lays down: (a) harmonized rules for the use of artificial intelligence systems in the EU; (b) prohibitions of certain particularly harmful AI practices; (c) specific requirements for high-risk AI systems and obligations for ...
