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Music Publishers Assert a $250 Million Lawsuit against Twitter for Copyright Infringement

The National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA), an association representing music publishers in the United States, has filed a $250 million lawsuit against the social network Twitter. The NMPA alleges that Twitter infringed hundreds of thousands of copyrighted musical works they own: "Twitter sustains its business by utilizing countless infringing copies of musical compositions, thereby violating the exclusive rights of publishers ...

CJEU Says Poland’s Judiciary Reform Violates Privacy and Data Protection Rights

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) struck down portions of the judiciary reform in Poland relating to the collection and publication of personal information about judges, holding that these provisions violate privacy and data protection laws and constitutional principles of the European Union.

The CJEU’s decision was issued in a lawsuit filed by the European Union Commission ...

Government and Industry Stakeholders in the US and EU Call for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

The White House has announced a new initiative to further promote responsible American innovation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). As part of this initiative, the White House hosted a first-of-its-kind Artificial Intelligence Summit. Vice President Harris emphasized the ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities of the private sector in ensuring the safety and security of their products while complying ...

EU Parliament Advances the Artificial Intelligence Act

Members of the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), sending it to the EU countries in the European Council to reach an agreement on the final form of the law later this year.

The initial draft of the AI Act aimed to establish a legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence tools while ensuring the protection ...

The US and the UK Announce 21st Century Economic Partnership

The United States and the United Kingdom have announced a framework for economic relations between the countries in the 21st century, coined the “Atlantic Declaration: A Framework for a Twenty-First Century U.S.-UK Economic Partnership". The framework includes several elements, covering also privacy and artificial intelligence:

  • Increasing cooperation on personal data, with both countries committed in principle to establishing a "Data ...

Meta (formerly Facebook) Is Hit with an Enormous 1.2 Billion Euro Fine for Data Protection Violations

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) found that Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook) violated the GDPR due to continuing to transfer personal information from the European Union to the United States following the Schrems II decision of the CJEU in reliance on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC). The fine, 1.2 billion Euros, is the largest fine imposed to date ...
